Your home practice is now more important than ever! Below are 2 sequences BKS Iyengar gave us when India had a flu epidemic several years ago and the Institute in Pune was closed.
For my beginners, please do not be discouraged by these sequences. Do the best you can. You can lessen the time in the poses, but do some simultaneously for all of the poses in the sequence.
All of you are more than welcome to email, text or call me to ask questions about your home practice! With the internet so readily available, you can easily type in the asana name and search Google Images and you can see what the pose is!
Please practice. Be well. Wash your hands! (w/ soapy water for a minimum of 20 seconds) And let's connect again soon.
Uttanasana (support head) 5 mins
Adho Mukha Svanasana (support head) 5mins
Prasarita Padottanasna (support head if not on floor) 3 mins
Sirsasana 5mins
Sirsasana Cycle/Variations 5mins
Viparita Dandasana (support head) 5mins
Sarvangasana 10mins
Halasana 5mins
Sarvangasana Cycle/Variations 5mins
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (supported) 5mins
Viparita Karani (at wall) 5mins
Savasana (w/ ujjayi or viloma pranayama) 10mins
Sirsasana 10mins
Sarvangasana 10mins
Halasana 5mins
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (supported) 10mins
Savasana (w/ ujjayi or viloma pranayama) 10mins