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Mimi's June Yoga Updates

June has arrived, which means Summer is officially here. Bees symbolize community, brightness and personal power. Let us join our communities and be united as one. Let us see the bright light in all beings and self. Let us look at ourselves closer and determine better decisions to make us better humans.

Last month I wrote about new beginnings. This month is a continuation of that new start. Not to make hasty decisions, but to ponder and think about past actions and how to do better this time. Change can only start within ourselves before it radiates into our communities. Now is the time to be and remain calm. To reflect and then make wise choices. This brings Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (Meditation) and Samadhi (Absorption) to my mind. Now is the time to be in our practice wholly, not only in body, but more importantly, in mind. Now is the time for us to be grateful to those that we love and love us back.

This month I am bringing back the Yoga for Health Series @ IYISF. The focus will be the knees. This series is for those with minor knee issues. We will do asanas to help strengthen the knee joint, as well as the hip joint right above it. Students will learn techniques and asanas to maintain their knee health on their own after the series. I will be teaching three 1-hour classes on Tuesday evening from 7-8pm. This series will be cumulative, so enrollment in all three classes is strongly encouraged. If you, or someone you know can benefit from this series, please sign-up by clicking here.

Stay safe. Be well.



You may or may not know, but the Institute of Iyengar Yoga San Francisco is a non-profit. In order to maintain our brick and mortar, we must fundraise. I know these are hard financial times for many of us. But if you can, please consider making a donation to support the yoga community in honor of those who cannot. No donation is too small. Generosity is Joyous!

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